International Credit Union Day 2024

Since 1948, credit unions around the world have come together on the 3rd Thursday in October to celebrate International Credit Union Day. International Credit Union Day recognises the credit union movement, its history and its achievements. By sharing our members experiences and reflecting on our history, we hope to raise awareness about the tremendous work credit unions do around the world.

What is International Credit Union Day?

ICUD 2024 is a worldwide celebration of the impact credit unions, and other financial cooperatives, have made and continue to make, for their members. ICUD raises awareness of credit unions and the work they do.

2024 marks the 76th anniversary of International Credit Union Day and the theme this year is One World Through Cooperative Finance. International Credit Union Day 2024 highlights how credit unions and other financial cooperatives can bring people together and improve their financial wellbeing.

In 2022, Penny Post, Voyager Alliance and Retail CU joined forces, as the Penny Post Group, to benefit all of our members. We are just one of more than 82,000 credit unions, serving 403 million members worldwide. Today, we are joining other credit unions, across 98 countries, to celebrate International Credit Union Day. Credit unions are present across cultures and languages, helping members turn hopes and dreams into reality.

On ICU Day 2021, we launched our working partnership with Community First Credit Union, our USA Partner, based in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Over the last 3 years we’ve shared experiences, learning and best practices for the benefit of both credit unions.

Find out more about Community First Credit Union here.

Be sure to spread the word about ICUD far and wide.