Tanya’s CU Futures Graduation

Last weekend, Tanya graduated from the CU Futures programme!

In May 2022, we were thrilled when Tanya, one of our Customer Service Administrators was selected for CU Futures, the young professionals’ development scheme delivered by the Association of British Credit Unions (ABCUL) and in partnership with the Credit Union Foundation.

After a busy weekend in Manchester at the ABCUL annual conference, and after all the excitement of Tanya’s graduation, we caught up with her to find out more about her CU Futures experience.

“I was worried about taking part in the programme in case I wasn’t ready, and I would feel out of my depth, now I have graduated the CU Futures programme, I can honestly say WOW, what an experience! I have learnt so much. CU Futures has helped me develop, and rather than doubt myself, the programme helped me become more outgoing!”

Tanya told us more about the work involved with the programme. “CU Futures was motivating. The modules, sessions and reports became more difficult as the time went on. This steady progression really helped to grow my confidence. Throughout the course, there was lots of positive feedback and I had free reign to explore ideas which meant I could continue to develop myself!”

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity!”

Hannah, Customer Service Team Leader reflected on Tanya’s CU Futures journey and said “I am so proud of Tanya. Her confidence has grown massively over the past few months. She’s really enjoyed doing the CU Futures course and we can clearly see her passion for our members!”

Congratulations Tanya!