Voyager Alliance’s 30th Anniversary

April 2022 marks a significant milestone for Voyager Alliance Credit Union which we’re very proud to celebrate. 30 years ago, a group of employees launched their own credit union, after 4 long years of research, cooperation, and determination.  We look back at the first 30 years of Voyager Alliance, catch up with colleagues, ex-Directors, members and volunteers, and celebrate the start of the next chapter of our credit union.

Formerly registered on 5th March 1992, Greater Manchester Buses Employees Credit Union started operating on 1st April 1992, and by the end of 2 weeks, 200 employees had joined as members.  Quickly extended to all depots in the GM buses area, by the end of September 1992, it had 899 members, and went on to become one of the largest credit unions in the UK. On the 1st February 2022, Voyager Alliance and Retail CU officially became part of the Penny Post Group and started the next chapter in its history. 

I have been a member for more than 25 years, where does the time go!” says former Voyager Alliance President, Gary Robertson, and now Penny Post Group Director. “In that time, I have had loans to take the kids on holiday, for Christmas, home improvements, new cars and much more, all through payroll deduction. It’s a great way to save and borrow when you need to. After 30 years being an independent Credit Union, we’re pleased to join the Penny Post Group.  This is great news for all of us, with new products and services for members, as we now move on to our exciting next chapter in the great Credit Union movement.”

Penny Post President, Dave Jones said “We are delighted to welcome Voyager Alliance members to the Penny Post Group in this their 30th year and look forward to them playing a major role in our ongoing success over the next 30 years and beyond.”

Penny Post CEO, Matt Goulding, said “April 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of a small group of volunteers starting a credit union to provide an ethical financial alternative to members. We’re pleased to be part of their next chapter and see tremendous opportunities for the Penny Post Group combined membership and we’re looking forward to a bright future ahead.”

We hope members will enjoy reflecting on the first 30 years of Voyager Alliance and we’d love you to share your memories with us too! Happy 30th Anniversary, and here’s to the next 30 years!